

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Adult & Teen Challenge of Maryland. Please know that Adult & Teen Challenge’s programming is structured in a Christian, faith- based environment. So, all volunteers need to be comfortable working in such a setting. 

You will need the following information to complete this application on our secure site:

1. Your contact information

(e-mail, phone, address, etc.)

2. A character reference

(name, e-mail and phone). Character references are usually done by a pastor, spiritual leader, or supervisor. They should know you well enough to have a good understanding of your character qualities including reliability and maturity. This Character Reference is especially important for those that would like to volunteer as a Mentor or work directly with our students.

3. Your SSN for a background check (as required by the State of Maryland).

SSN’s are encrypted for security, submitted for a background check, and immediately destroyed. We do not store them in our database.  Please know that the State of Maryland will not allow volunteers with felonies to have direct, unsupervised, contact with our students..

4. Information and dates on any treatment programs and/or criminal charges

Volunteers working directly with students should have two (2) years of freedom from any chemical related issues, treatment or significant law and/or driving violations.

If you do not have all this information, please apply later when it is available to you.

Volunteer Application

Your vehicle gift for Adult & Teen Challenge of Maryland is a reflection of your values and a commitment for hope and healing far into the future. Please share your vehicle gift intentions with us so that we may thank you and keep you informed.